
Below is a list of KCWT members that are willing to help mentor our new members get started on the lathe. Along with general lathe knowledge, there are several areas of expertise that these members have listed and offered to assist other members with. I urge you to take a look at the list and contact one of these members if you are interested in being mentored or have a specific project that you would like to attempt. Arrangements can be made regarding when to meet and if that would take place at the shop or not.

Note that KCWT member, Bill Paulo, has an opportunity for intermediate to skilled members to lead you through the steps in turning a pepper-mill.

It has taken a while to get this mentoring program started, but I think this could be a real positive step for our club. The pandemic has changed the atmosphere at open shop and there are not as many members available to get direction or suggestions from. I think this mentoring list will give our newer members the opportunity to get that direction from members that are more than willing to share their skills and knowledge.

I want to thank the members that have signed up so far, and I strongly encourage other members to consider being added to this list in the future. We are a very giving club, let us focus some of that giving on our new members!

If you are a new member, I encourage you to reach out to one of the mentors on the list!

Happy turning, everyone!


Kris Coyan
KCWT President

To view the KC Woodturners Association Mentor List: Click Here