Member Names and Faces

Would you like to know the name of a KC Woodturner member that you have talked to but forgot their name? Here are some photos of KC Woodturners that we have, mostly from the Woodchips newsletter. Hope it helps. A lot of member photos are missing but we would like to get photos of everybody here on our website. If you do not see your photo or don’t like the one we are using, please email us a photo. Thanks.

Clark Achelpohl

Darrell Agee
Mike Albers
David Albright
David Alexander
Rachel Bailey
Sue Bergstrand
Stanley Bier
David Blair
Jeffrey Bollman
Chris Bresette
Virgil Boyd
William Buchanan
E. David Burks
Leon Butler
Rick Bywater
Jeff Campbell
Dan Carlson
Linda Carlson
Tom Cook
Kris Coyan
Aron Crittendon
Dale Darnell
Jerry Darter
Richard Davis
Greta de la Rua
David DeSimone
Larry Dice
Mike Erickson
Tom Esker
Don Frank
Jim Garner
Jon Gathright
Tony Giordano
Liath Godwin
Don Grimes
Don Gruis
Vern Hadsall
Jay Hansen
Anthony Harris
Chris Hash
Greg Hathaway
Leland Hawley
Ben Hayes
Julie Hegarty
Chris Hinderof
John Hoffman
Dave Huss
Mark Inman
Jerry James
Ed Jarboe
Ed Jaszczak
Joe Johnston
Terry Johnston
Efi Kamara
Jack Karstens
Noriko Kosukegawa
Bill Kuhlman
Jim Lambie
Jeff Lang
Jerry Lehane
Chuck Levenson
Wendy Lythgoe
Blair Marshall
Don Martin
Edd Maxwell
Rich McCartney
Shaun McMahon
Jerry McMaster
Mike McReynolds
Ann Mellina
Harry Midgley
Andrew E. Mitchell
Ken Moberg
Omid Nabavizadeh
Kevin Neelley
Jerry Nick
Frank Novich
Brian Paulk
Bill Paullo
Rob Platt
Richard Renzi
Jim Reynolds
Phil Royer
Howard Russell
Howard Sanders
Bud Schenke
Alex Scott
Dawn Searcy
Bill Secrest
Larry Settle
Stuart Shanker
Chip Siskey
Mike Smith
David Stalling
Mike Thomas
Kent Townsend
Rick Tucker
Charlie Turner
Mark Turner
Joe Vega
Nicole Wongk
Dick Woodhouse